Wednesday, December 7, 2011


     This is going to be my blog for the Spring 2012 voyage of Semester at Sea.  I won't be setting sail until January, so there isn't much news to post at the moment...  Except that I am still waiting for my visas to arrive and staring out the window intensely does not seem to be speeding up the process.  So, until I have more exciting news, this is a poem I wrote for my Poetry Workshop class.  It seems like as good a way as any to introduce myself.

The Life of a Military Brat
I come from fried chicken and ice cold lemonade,
quilting circles and no secrets.
I come from grass skirts and luaus,
where we ate lobster caught just hours before.

I come from oranges and alligators,
beaches and water gun fights.
I come from crab cakes and mornings at the Smithsonian,
Black-Eyed Susans and Old Bay seasoning.

I come from climbing shoes and chalk bags,
multi-pitch routes and scaling Seneca Rocks.
I come from homeschool meetings
and the brown and green camouflage that I wear every Memorial Day.

I come from a German who became a slave
and an Indian princess who became a Disney movie.
I come from the art student captured by paint
and the Marine with his boots on.

I come from ruined soles and two thousand miles
of mud and strangers who called me Owl.
I come from jagged rocks and swollen river crossings
that almost stole my shoes.

I believe in people watching in airports,
and that staying still makes life too boring.
I believe in family Thanksgivings of eighty-six people
and carrying a book with me at all times.

I believe in six months long backpacking trips
and ice cream, preferably chocolate.
I believe in snowboarding down mountains as fast as possible
and making snowcream after a heavy snowstorm.

I believe in crying over the deaths of fictional characters
and bookshelves so tall they require a library ladder.
I believe in messy hair, the smell of a new book
and wearing pajamas whenever possible.

I believe in the silver cross I keep hanging from my neck
and being woken up in the morning by Golden Retriever tongues.
I believe in calling friends from the tops of fourteeners
and getting as many miles on my feet as I can before it’s time to go.


  1. This made me sniffly! The stanza with the "airport-people-watching" is the one that (as someone we both know says) most "resignates" with me.

  2. (don't know if it's a bug or my computer or a setting on your blog, but it wouldn't let me choose LJ or OpenId for my comment, so you got an old, old blog of mine!)

  3. You totally brought me in. I love how God has gifted you at expressing life. I'm excited about your upcoming journey!!!

  4. I'm a military brat going on Semester at Sea next semester as well!! So glad I won't be the only one with military parents!

  5. I think this has you down to a T- maybe a perfect way to introduce yourself :)
