Tuesday, December 20, 2011

30 Days to Departure!

The MV Explorer!
  • It's crazy to think less than one month from now I will be living on a ship!  My visa's came in a few days ago, I have all my books ordered and all I have left to do is pack.  So, I guess now is a good time to write about all the stuff I forgot to in my last post...
    I have listed my itinerary below.  I tend to have people ask me what it is a lot and while I have no problem reciting it for them, it is probably smarter just to write it down.  I tend to have lots of people ask me which country I am most excited to visit and I still don't have an answer.  When I was first looking at applying to the program, I was really looking forward to visiting Japan, going to a tea ceremony and eating lots of sushi.  Now, after researching each country and seeing how different they all are from each other, I don't have somewhere I am most excited to go, because I am excited to go everywhere!  I want to be able to see how the cultures differ from each other, I want to visit the Great Wall of China and call my parents from the top, I want to see Ha Long Bay in Vietnam, I want to sail through the Amazon on a riverboat, and so much more.
    While on the ship I will be taking 12 credits.  Global Studies (which is required for all students), World Theater and Performance, World Literature in English, and Travel Writing.  I am really excited for the Travel Writing class.  I have never taken anything like it before and I would love to learn more about it!
Embark at Nassau, Bahamas   (Jan 19)
Roseau, Dominica                   (Jan 23-24)
Manaus, Brazil                        (Jan 31-Feb 3)
Tema, Ghana                          (Feb 13-17)
Cape Town, South Africa       (Feb 24-29)
Port Louis, Mauritius               (March 6)
Cochin, India                          (March 12-17)
Singapore                               (March 22)
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam     (March 25-30)
Hong Kong, China                  (April 1-2)
Shanghai, China                      (April 5-7)
Kobe, Japan                           (April 10-11)
Yokohama, Japan                   (April 13-14)
Hilo, Hawaii                            (April 25)
San Diego, CA USA               (May 2)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fall 2011 LipDub

Lip dub/ tour of the ship from the Fall 2011 voyage!  Soon I will be doing stuff like this...


     This is going to be my blog for the Spring 2012 voyage of Semester at Sea.  I won't be setting sail until January, so there isn't much news to post at the moment...  Except that I am still waiting for my visas to arrive and staring out the window intensely does not seem to be speeding up the process.  So, until I have more exciting news, this is a poem I wrote for my Poetry Workshop class.  It seems like as good a way as any to introduce myself.

The Life of a Military Brat
I come from fried chicken and ice cold lemonade,
quilting circles and no secrets.
I come from grass skirts and luaus,
where we ate lobster caught just hours before.

I come from oranges and alligators,
beaches and water gun fights.
I come from crab cakes and mornings at the Smithsonian,
Black-Eyed Susans and Old Bay seasoning.

I come from climbing shoes and chalk bags,
multi-pitch routes and scaling Seneca Rocks.
I come from homeschool meetings
and the brown and green camouflage that I wear every Memorial Day.

I come from a German who became a slave
and an Indian princess who became a Disney movie.
I come from the art student captured by paint
and the Marine with his boots on.

I come from ruined soles and two thousand miles
of mud and strangers who called me Owl.
I come from jagged rocks and swollen river crossings
that almost stole my shoes.

I believe in people watching in airports,
and that staying still makes life too boring.
I believe in family Thanksgivings of eighty-six people
and carrying a book with me at all times.

I believe in six months long backpacking trips
and ice cream, preferably chocolate.
I believe in snowboarding down mountains as fast as possible
and making snowcream after a heavy snowstorm.

I believe in crying over the deaths of fictional characters
and bookshelves so tall they require a library ladder.
I believe in messy hair, the smell of a new book
and wearing pajamas whenever possible.

I believe in the silver cross I keep hanging from my neck
and being woken up in the morning by Golden Retriever tongues.
I believe in calling friends from the tops of fourteeners
and getting as many miles on my feet as I can before it’s time to go.